Registering for Classes
All students register for classes using BannerWeb, the University’s online student information system.
New first-year students will be able to view fall course offerings on BannerWeb starting mid-May. All first-year students should submit their Preference Plans (in BannerWeb) for the pre-registration period by the end of June; the self-registration dates will be published in the spring.
First-year students: please visit the Planning your Schedule section of this website and review the BannerWeb resources available on the Registrar's website before logging into Banner for registration.
New transfer students will have access to the course listings in BannerWeb after they deposit and activate their account. Self-registration for spring transfer students will begin on January 2. There is no pre-registration period for transfer students.
Transfer students: please review the BannerWeb resources available on the Registrar's website before logging into Banner for registration.